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El Pony Pisador

Your trusted folk group

  • 215
If you support us we will be able to do:

- Quadern de Bitàcola: An informative video about popular and traditional music, theory or arrangement of folk music, or what the members of the Cephalopod Council ask us.
- Llar de Folk: Podcast where we will put music that we like and we will recommend albums to you. We will get to know genres, scenes and artists, and talk about the musical resources we like.

And many more surprises that we don't even know because they haven't occurred to us yet!
Cabin Crew
We welcome you to the crew of El Pony Pisador! 

With this subscription you will enjoy all the advantages of not being a patron of ours such as entering our Discord channel and you will be revered by our community

We will love you very much, we will be very grateful and we will make libations in your honor.
2.00 € monthly
The Menhir Guild
This subscription opens the doors to The Menhir Guild! 

You will have access to the fantastic WhatsApp and/or Discord group with the 5 members of the band and the other patrons where we will share exclusive content of being HAMEGO: 
- Pranks, bad jokes and participatory memes
- Cool collective initiatives
- Stickers 

We will love you very much, we will be very grateful and we will make libations in your honor.
4.00 € monthly
Cephalopod Council
Directly from Malgrat de Mar, we welcome you to the Cephalopod Council, where we will talk about music (if we don't end up singing together and cover everything with ink).

With this subscription you will have access to the same privileges as the Gabin Crew and The Menhir Guild and in addition you will have access to a Google Drive folder with extra epic content from El Pony Pisador such as: scores, lyrics and chords, our albums in good quality to download, artwork and other content that you ask for.

We will also meet at Council from time to time, where we will ask you for opinions on future content, listen to exclusive albums and other fun things to be happy about.

Of course, we will also love you very much, we will be very grateful to you and we will make libations in your honor.

10.00 € monthly
Vila de SUUU's counsel
At the top of the beautiful Matamargó stream there is a place where it is cold in winter and hot in summer... and now you can be part of the town counsel! SUUUUUUUUUU

If you subscribe to this category, apart from enjoying all the above benefits, you will also get a discount on merchandising every time we take it out again. We will send you a code that you can convert on the web and get a 20% discount code.

Needless to say, we will love you very much, we will be very grateful to you, and we will make libations in your honor.
30.00 € monthly
Ocellison Saviola
You got it, you're the Ocellison Saviola. You have the absolute power of the Gramola and August is your best friend.

With this subscription you will have all the advantages of the Cabin Crew, the Menhir Guild, the Cephalopod Council and the Vila de SUU counsel.

For each new piece of merchandising, we keep one free for you.

Be that as it may, we will be super grateful and will make libations in your honor and that of your ancestors.

50.00 € monthly
Set your donation
You can make a single or monthly donation. Please be advised that this donation is not associated to any benefit and does not grant access to posts that require a subscription.
one-time or monthly