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El Pony Pisador

Tu grupo folk de confianza

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El Pony Pisador - El wasabi (Els experts d'iCat fm)

El Pony Pisador - El Wasabi

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 Avui presentarem què passaria si Port Bo hagués nascut al Japó feudal i a la cantada d’havaneres de Hokkaido cantéssin la més coneguda de totes les havaneres: el Wasabi va anar a Cuba.

Per interpretar aquest hit hem hagut de substituir/fer servir:
- La guitarra per un Koto (instrument de corda pinçada tipus cítara)
- L’acordió per el Shakuhachi (flauta de bambú)
- El contrabaix pel Shamisen (similar a una guitarra o banjo però de 3 cordes i es toca amb plectre)
- Percussió de teatre japonès (Kabuki)

Esperem que la gaudiu tant com nosaltres, tot i que estavem de genolls sobre el terra més incòmode possible, demanem disculpes per l’absència de tatami.

Podeu escoltar “Els Experts” cada dia de 6 a 11 del matí a iCat fm:

Today we present what would happen if Port Bo would have born in feudal Japan and the traditional havaneres singing from Hokkaido the most popular of all havaneres was sung: the Wasabi goes to Cuba.

To play this hit, we have had to substitute/use:

- The guitar for a Koto (string instruments like zither)
- The accordion for the Shakuhachi (bamboo flute)
- The double bass for the Shamishen (similar to a guitar or banjo but with 3 strings and played with a pick
- Japanese theatre percussion (Kabuki)

We hope you enjoy it as much as us, though we were on our knees on the most uncomfortable floor, we are sorry for the absence of a tatami

You can listen to “Els Experts” every day from 6 to 11 in the morning on iCat fm (though it’s in catalan): 
El Pony Pisador
07 enero 2022

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