Nova versió a Els Experts de "La Llama" SUUUU!!!
El Pony Pisador - La Llama (Els Experts d'iCat fm)
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Setè hit de les nostres col·laboracions amb el programa de ràdio d’iCat fm “Els Experts”. Avui presentem què passaria si Obrint Pas fossin un grup de Perú (i a Perú s’hi parlés català de tota la vida) i fossin uns entusiastes dels camèlids andins, en concret la Llama. No confondre amb l’Alpaca o la Vicunya, que són espècies diferents amb diferent gruix i suavitat del seu pel.
Per aconseguir-ho hem utilitzat els següents recursos musicals:
- el xarango lol jej (guitarra petita)
- güira i maraques (percussions)
- flautes de bec (fent de quena fals)
- midi (fent de sikus fals)
Volem dedicar aquesta cançó a les alpaques de la Maria Àngels Caus.
Esperem que els hi agradi i no ens tirin escupits. Si us agrada premeu el polze prènsil suuu!!!
Podeu escoltar “Els Experts” cada dia de 6 a 11 del matí a iCat fm: https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/els-experts/
Seventh hit of our collaborations with the radio program “Els Experts”. Today we present what would happen if Obrint Pas were a group from Perú (and if catalan was the native language in there) and they were some andin camelids enthusiats, llama specifically. Do not mistake it with an Alpaca or a Vicuna, which are species with different fur thickness and softness.
To achieve it, we have used the following musical resources:
- the xarango lol jej (small guitar)
- güira and maracas (percussions)
- flutes (as fake quena)
- midi (as fake sikus)
We would like to dedicate this song to Maria Àngels Caus’ alpaques.
We hope they like it and they don’t spit on us. If you liked it press the thumb suuu!!!
You can listen to “Els Experts” every day from 6 to 11 in the morning on iCat fm (though it’s in catalan):
Per aconseguir-ho hem utilitzat els següents recursos musicals:
- el xarango lol jej (guitarra petita)
- güira i maraques (percussions)
- flautes de bec (fent de quena fals)
- midi (fent de sikus fals)
Volem dedicar aquesta cançó a les alpaques de la Maria Àngels Caus.
Esperem que els hi agradi i no ens tirin escupits. Si us agrada premeu el polze prènsil suuu!!!
Podeu escoltar “Els Experts” cada dia de 6 a 11 del matí a iCat fm: https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/els-experts/
Seventh hit of our collaborations with the radio program “Els Experts”. Today we present what would happen if Obrint Pas were a group from Perú (and if catalan was the native language in there) and they were some andin camelids enthusiats, llama specifically. Do not mistake it with an Alpaca or a Vicuna, which are species with different fur thickness and softness.
To achieve it, we have used the following musical resources:
- the xarango lol jej (small guitar)
- güira and maracas (percussions)
- flutes (as fake quena)
- midi (as fake sikus)
We would like to dedicate this song to Maria Àngels Caus’ alpaques.
We hope they like it and they don’t spit on us. If you liked it press the thumb suuu!!!
You can listen to “Els Experts” every day from 6 to 11 in the morning on iCat fm (though it’s in catalan):
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